
Pretend this is the tutorial that gives a general introduction to the library, providing usage examples and all that.

This is a stand-alone document, in this case a file named overview.rst inside the project’s docs folder. So it is separate from the actual Python library in the, unimaginatively named, package folder. Both folders are right underneath the project’s root in the repo.

We have set up the API documentation as a different chapter. It is also a stand-alone document, named api.rst, and is linked in the side bar on the left. Readers can go there to understand how the library is to be used in application code. That is, it documents the public API. Not every doc-string defined in package needs to show up there, only the ones that are important. So we kick things off with a general summary of the top-level objects, courtesy of Sphinx’s Autosummary extension, which links to in-depth API documentation provided by the Autodoc extension.

We can then link to objects from the API documentation, such as Class1 or action. The syntax is just `Class1` and `action <package.action>` (as the latter reference happens to be ambiguous). This works as long as we have set default_role = 'any' in Sphinx’s configuration file conf.py. We could also do that on a per-document basis with .. default-role:: any, but the any role is so useful, it rarely makes sense to assign anything else as the default.

Unless you want single back-ticks to denote literals, as they do in Markdown. Then you might configure `default_role = 'literal', but would have to write :any:`Class1` to create a reference to the API documentation of Class1. So pick your poison.

Some people like to document the API within the general documentation as they go along. So instead of just referring to Class1, they pull in its doc-string somewhere in the text:

class Class1[source]

This is the first line in the doc-string of Class1.

It is part of module classes.


This is a method of Class1.

Many projects also like to have Intersphinx references, so that they can easily link to, for example, Python’s pathlib module. This needs to be set up in conf.py, but makes for shorter link targets.

One noteworthy shortcoming of using reST as a markup language is that we cannot have literals, or even emphasis, inside link text. That’s because reStructuredText does not support nested markup of any kind. Note how this works (which is `this <https://example.org>`_ in the source), but `this <https://example.org>`_ is broken on this very page. Even though it’s the same syntax as before, only with back-ticks around “this”. (You’ll have to click “Show Source” at the bottom of the page to see the original markup, as it isn’t possible to reproduce it on the rendered page, at least not inline.)

First steps#

This is a section inside the Overview chapter. We have marked it as a possible link target by putting .. _first-steps: right above the section header. We could also generate section labels automatically, once and for all, if we used the Autosectionlabel extension.

Here is a code example:

from package.classes import Class1

class1 = Class1()

This requires a .. code-block:: directive, followed by a blank line, followed by the actual code indented one level. It’s automatically highlighted in the colors defined by the theme, which in this case is Furo. Click the icon at the top right of the page to switch between dark and light mode and notice how the syntax highlighting changes along with it. We could easily replace Furo with any of a number of Sphinx themes. As themes are completely independent of the documentation semantics, all it takes is assigning another name to html_theme in conf.py (and pip install-ing the corresponding package).